2017 Mediatek Inc. ASEAN South Asia “Taiwan Advanced Study Fellowship” Admission Announcement 東協/南亞「臺灣留學獎學金」錄取公告

2017 年 7 月 31 日 - 下午 9:00

In order to encourage outstanding young students from ASEAN and India to study for doctoral degrees in the universities in Taiwan, to obtain professional knowledge and skills in academic fields, and to promote academic and cultural exchanges, Mediatek Inc. had setup the ASEAN / South Asia “Taiwan Fellowship” with Indian students targeted in 2017 for the first time and with 12 fellowship recipients and 6 fellowship alternates selected with the approval of the Board of Directors.

The fellowship recipients are announced as follows to receive an amount of US$10,000 per person:



12 Fellowship Recipients 正取12名:

  1. Joyal Francis
  2. Udit Chauhan
  3. Ashutosh Kumar Dikshit
  4. Rakesh Kumar Patnaik
  5. Amir Khan
  6. Zuhaib Khan
  7. Nilotpal Sinha
  8. Mahesh Kumar Chaubey
  9. Rajeev Kumar Pandey
  10. Magesh Sambath
  11. Maman Ahmad Khan
  12. Sumayah Shakil Wani

6 Fellowship Alternates 備取6名:

  1. Deepa
  2. Gufran Ahmad
  3. Vinothkumar Jeganathan
  4. Pavan Vatal Shankar Prasad
  5. Tejender Singh Rawat
  6. Ankita Jindal

MediaTek Foundation will contact the fellowship recipients directly and they are reminded to pay attention to the incoming notice.




15年來,聯發科技透過基金會,將企業的創新研發能量,轉化為與台灣科技教育以及產業發展共同前進的力量,並且積極尋求政府與學界的合作,為台灣的社會問題共謀解方。聯發科教育基金會在「科技扎根」、「人才培育」、「社會創新」三個面向不斷深耕台灣,投入總額超過新台幣15億元 ,在教育推廣、產業發展、社會人文等領域,與台灣共生共榮。 更多資訊請瀏覽:https://www.facebook.com/mediatekfoundation/