Search results for "server"

IT Security Acknowledgements
The MediaTek Security Team would like to thank the following people and parties for making a responsible disclosure to us and helping to improve MediaTek security. Event... 更多消息
2020 年 11 月 30 日 - 下午 2:23
通報詳情 您可直接透過電子郵件提交以下資訊,來幫助我們盡速評估: 受影響的產品和軟件版本 安全漏洞概述 (例如:緩衝區溢出、整數溢出等)... 更多消息
2020 年 11 月 30 日 - 下午 2:20
Cookie 政策
We want to make it easier for you to understand, and control the use of, cookies and similar technologies ("cookies") that we may use on our websites ("Sites") to store or access information from your... 更多消息
2018 年 5 月 21 日 - 上午 9:37
Acer teams up with MediaTek to debut Liquid E2
TAIWAN, Hsinchu –June 5, 2013 – Adapting to a world of complementary devices and responding to an ever-changing market trends and consumers’ needs of high-performance and world-class products,... 更多消息
2013 年 6 月 5 日 - 下午 4:53