Search results for "ba"

Han-bin Zhan, Wireless Communications Department
Today marks 100 days since I started my internship. I still remember each of the 60 days and nights clearly. It was the longest I’ve ever spent in Shanghai. Joanna and the other HR ladies helped me... 更多消息
2016 年 5 月 24 日 - 下午 5:55
My task was to help to build the simulation environment using the System Verilog and Perl  and test the modules of mobile phone modem. In the school, I  had some experience... 更多消息
2016 年 12 月 14 日 - 下午 1:14
李先驰, WCT Intern
I really appreciate having such an opportunity to work with so many kindly mates in MTK. In the past two months, I have learned a lot and changed my lifestyle much compared with that in school. This... 更多消息
2016 年 12 月 14 日 - 下午 1:16
王俊, HTD Intern
The interview was the phone interview with Fengguo Gao, the manager of HTD/CD2/DE1 and Yingrui Chen when I was still in Michigan, US four months ago. They first gave me a decent description of... 更多消息
2016 年 12 月 14 日 - 下午 1:19
Program Features Our Everyday Genius Internship Program is a valuable source for exceptional candidates to experience working in our design centers, hand in hand with some of our company's top talent... 更多消息
2016 年 5 月 24 日 - 下午 3:59